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Don’t take Relationship for Granted!

Become a better version of yourselves

It doesn’t matter what stage you are in your relationship, how old or young, how difficult or at ease the relationship may be, theirs always hope to improve or resolve the problems that got you where you’re at or simply improve and strengthen the relationship you have.


What’s important to understand, we all go through changes, and sometimes those changes can be challenging in a relationship.


Time can heal the wounds; it’s seeking help that allows us to heal faster improve our relationship.


Do you wait for your car to break down?

How much training or courses do you take to be better at what you're at?


"The quality of your relationship determines the quality of your life."Esther Perel

So how can Mentor/Coach help us?

I focus on helping couples in achieving theirs goals as couples so that they can improve areas for example, helping them understand and respond to needs better, improving communication, helping achieve personal growth and support, and handle emotions properly. 


So, what’s the difference between Coaching and Therapy?


Therapy clients are looking to heal issues or come to terms with life lessons that can affect on an emotional level like, past divorce or infidelity or parent issues.


While coaching is about reaching goals and changing your life, assessing and adapting your habits in the present so you can have better results in your relationship in the future. A good example agreeing to long term goals as a couple, dealing with in-laws’ conflict that hurt the marriage, learning to listen better, or how to deal with the kids or job demands.


What’s usually the end goal for a couple?


Learning to be happier and more fulfilled in their relationship. You’ll see measurable results once you have committed as a couple to improve that better version of yourselves.

As a Mentor?

I help you use emotional intelligence so to impact your relationship. This is a vital tool to help you have a lasting and impactful and intimate relationship, helping you be more aware of the constant changes in yourselves. By learning to build your EQ, you’ll be more sensitive to each other’s emotions and needs, through active awareness and empathy, dynamics of your romance that signal a need for action.


Love is not about infatuation or lust for lasting love, it’s about acceptance to experience emotions that could harm a relationship if left to aggravate. It’s about being vigilant, being able to appraise what’s working and what isn’t.


How does this help us?


As a couple, we have the potential and the strength to achieve the ultimate goal of having the love we all dream of and I help you achieve by;


  • Actively seeking changes in your relationship

  • View challenges as opportunities rather than problems

  • Respect the feelings you have for each other

  • Keep the laughter in your love

  • Agree and improve on your goals.


By learning how to deal with our day to day emotions, you have an extraordinary opportunity to achieve that greater version of yourselves as a couple.

“We all have the potential to attain the kind of love we’ve dreamed about – deep intimacy, commitment, mutual kindness, soulful caring – simply by applying tools that will help us reach our goals.”

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